Clay Bennett Handmade Surfboards

This blog is here to introduce you to the surfboards I make & myself ,my views,thoughts,projects and surfing.
First off I AM NOT AN AVID INTERNET TYPE GUY so post probably won't be daily . I work with my hands and eyes all day so sitting in front of a computor is tiring to me. I love building surfboards and I am basically a workaholic (don't want to be). I have surfed all my life and worked as a pro surfer/teamrider,sales rep, surf shop mgr/salesman, sander/ding guy, laminator,polisher, and of course a shaper/designer. I have been active in one phase or another since 1968 and still love it .
Pics of boards will be forth coming as will surf pics and other assorted strange stuff.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not all NOSERIDERS are created equal

Just because a surfboard is long or has a nose concave doesn't make it a noserider or even a good longboard ,as a matter of fact most aren't! OUCH,that hurt -boy I can hear the mumblings now .!

But the truth is it takes much more than length and a concave , it takes proper tail and nose rocker with compatable rails and bottom contour and that all changes with each style of noserider and outline configuration. Its not rocket science but it does take some experience mixed with undertanding of how one aspect affects the other and that my friend means the one building the board must know how they work and what does what---laymans term--needs to be a skilled surfer that can feel the design in the water, how it functions. And thats why there are a ton of crappy longboards out there posing as noseriders. Every longboard shaper has at least one in their model selection --mostly copies of other famous 60's longboards not so with mine . I feature 7 modern longboard noseriders all proven over the last 10-15 years--in and out of the contest world on the east coast,west coast,Hawaii, and the Carribean. Pictured here are a few of them; but heres the list 1)-The Tipparillo--my baby and favorite 2) Weston Merkel Model --a slightly flatter version made for captian retro and his followers 3) Chris Lind Model-rockeredout wide nose performance noser co designed by Chris Lind 4) The DNN --yea its the former Nuuhiwa noser with my updates 5) The DRN-Down railed noserider come with or w/out rocker and either single or 2+1 set-up 6) PINTASTIC -old school with a few twists 7) The Classic -it is what the title says aClasssic in and out of the water. Which one suits you? Come in and I'll help you fiqure it out>