Clay Bennett Handmade Surfboards

This blog is here to introduce you to the surfboards I make & myself ,my views,thoughts,projects and surfing.
First off I AM NOT AN AVID INTERNET TYPE GUY so post probably won't be daily . I work with my hands and eyes all day so sitting in front of a computor is tiring to me. I love building surfboards and I am basically a workaholic (don't want to be). I have surfed all my life and worked as a pro surfer/teamrider,sales rep, surf shop mgr/salesman, sander/ding guy, laminator,polisher, and of course a shaper/designer. I have been active in one phase or another since 1968 and still love it .
Pics of boards will be forth coming as will surf pics and other assorted strange stuff.

Friday, December 31, 2010


12-31-2010--lAST DAY OF A HORRIBLE YEAR -this year was a disaster for the most part --so that means things gotta change or it'll be kinda the same in 2011---so here are some early goalsfor the new year!----------BACK TO THE BASICS-----I love building really nice functional surfboards w/all kinds of crazy detail work ---this takes time and money---so I am effectively cutting down on all the stock work after January ---getting back to what I love---radical-but functional -high end -surfboards whether they are 5'2" or 12'2" my focus will be on detail and function!!! So what does that mean for custom orders? They will be accepted by former clients,friends , or through my salesmen and teamriders only ---in other words you gotta have an in or you can buy from my in house inventory . This change is not to limit my availability to the public but to rid myself of the pompous , microwave, instant gotta have and I 'm gonna ride your ass consumer---it only takes a few of these and your lifes a living hell----I'm going for a big zero count on this type----I want and will build boards for those who want and appreciate my skills and knowledge of surfing and surfboards and ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR IT! The days of being broke have to end ---so my prices will be going up as of FEBRUARY 1st not unreasonably but to normal pricing--so I can make a confortable living and enjoy surfing more. Pics of new directions in bd design and as always I will build the best longbds on the East Coast---keep checking in and be safe tonight--clay

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas 2010

As Christmas draws near and I finish up all existing orders, I personally can't wait for the year to be over! What a nightmare of a year , more drama than should be legally allowed;

My family and I endured 3-family deaths in 365 days (2-way out of town) 1-dramatic local family illness, becoming a 1-year cartaker of an older alcohol + drug dependant brother, 2-family cars dying and another needing major repairs, suffering 2-heat strokes and recently while riding a bike ,getting hit by a guy on a scooter --still dealing with some after effects of that. So yea , I'm ready to put this whole chapter behind me and move forward!

Through all that I did manage to build quite a few surfboards and recently -thanks to Trevor Grooms put together a new group of surf team riders Allissia, Leah, Josh, Chris, and a few others others both local and from down south so yea bring on the new year get Jan + Feb over and lets get some warmer water and get full fledged surf fevor cause I am stoked on many the boards I am making the variety of shapes being ordered lots of quads, retros types , as well as the tried and true noseriders. Here are a few pics of boards ----keep checking back at least once or twice a week I will be updating---and have a great Christmas and be safe on New Years!