Clay Bennett Handmade Surfboards

This blog is here to introduce you to the surfboards I make & myself ,my views,thoughts,projects and surfing.
First off I AM NOT AN AVID INTERNET TYPE GUY so post probably won't be daily . I work with my hands and eyes all day so sitting in front of a computor is tiring to me. I love building surfboards and I am basically a workaholic (don't want to be). I have surfed all my life and worked as a pro surfer/teamrider,sales rep, surf shop mgr/salesman, sander/ding guy, laminator,polisher, and of course a shaper/designer. I have been active in one phase or another since 1968 and still love it .
Pics of boards will be forth coming as will surf pics and other assorted strange stuff.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Memories of Earl Rudisill

Had to sell one of my all time favorite surfboards a couple of days ago . Normally its for stupid reasons that bring back "dang wish I hadn't done that" feelings and a forever feeling that I turned my back on a friend(the surfboard).

But this time I am proud to say I sold the board for a great cause and the money was well spent.

I had my car die about 4-months ago and due to an on going illness with my father in law, everytime I had the money for a down pay on a new used one -my wife & kids had to go to NC to visit her ailing DAD-no regrets-family first --but alas no new car. And with us down to one car putting that one in the shop for repair was about impossible.

So Wednesday the call came Earl had taken a turn for the worse before even a plan could be put in play a second call came in Earl had died !

My wife needed transportation imediately , I was broke ,just paid a ton of bills , so the options were limited ---Sell what you have Now --thanks to help from Trevor Grooms and the selling of my Hurricane Lgbd -a rent al car was procured and the wife and kids (half the tribe) were on their way to NC to comfort her mom and be there for the funeral.

Once again this was (and is) a "magic board" it was me thru and thru over a year in the making and broken in on hurricane Bill at more than one select breaks---how could I sell this board?--how would I feel the next day? And the next?

The answear is Love --I love my wife -her needs are mine --but even more than that to sell a 'magic board' to honor and show respect to Earl Rudisill --well that was an honor and a rare privilage. You see Earl wasn't just my father in law , Earl was one of those rare (in your life you might meet 2-3 of these) people who everyone liked and respected, He probably never had an enemy in his life! He was an old country NC gem of the highest caliber and all I can say is I loved every minute I had with Him as did everyone that met Him. My wife's devotion was to her father and my children all 6 was to their grandfather, me I just always looked at Earl as my friend ---so in essence I sold a friend (my surfboard ) to allow my family to say good bye to my friend Earl.

Unfortunitly I , and 2 of my boys, and my oldest daughter couldn't make the trip and plans to go later fell through so this blog is my TRIBUTE TO EARL and the selling of that board is a sacrificial offering--tomorrow is the funeral --my thoughts and prayers are for Earl's wife and my wife and children and tomorrow my thoughts won't be on the board but on Earl-enjoy the ride to Heaven and save me a seat close to you--for now we will miss you!

P.S> Thanks to Jim for the quick sell -you enjoy the glide!

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